The effects of a global pandemic have been far-reaching, but the transportation industry has been hit especially hard. With quarantines, social distancing, and stay-at-home mandates, the need for travel is at a record low. 2020 saw a national reduction of 58% in people using public transportation. As a result, the industry is having to modify its efforts to remaining functional with a limited workforce. This is why we want to talk about something called the CERTS Act.
Read more →Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year, The United Motorcoach Association (UMA) has encouraged its members to participate in the AssurCLEAN program. Chesapeake Charter is a proud member of the UMA and an active participant in the AssurClean program. So, you can travel with us in confidence in a rapidly changing world. Continue on to learn more about the program and why it’s essential to the health of our customers and employees.
Read more →As a company that has provided student transportation in Anne Arundel for decades, we want to continue to help where we can. That is why we have done some research to put together a guide for parents. Some of these resources can be found at Others, we have gathered so you can have them all in one place. We hope this helps.
Read more →At Chesapeake Charter, the health and safety of our patrons and staff remain our greatest priority. As we begin to resume operations, we want you to know that we have and will continue to take the appropriate safety measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It is with great care and attentiveness, that we promise to do our part by upholding strict CDC guidelines that protect all riders and drivers. Follow along to learn more about our extreme clean commitment to keeping you safe.
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